Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mannequins and Buggers

I'm often treated to some funny things during the day. Yesterday I went shopping at Old Navy with Madeleine. They have a bunch of mannequins distributed around the store sporting the latest in ON fashion. Madeleine loved them. She liked hiding behind them, holding their hands and hugging their legs.

When it comes to mannequins, can you think of a better dancing partner? Not really. They don't step on your toes and you can lead every time.

At one point a really groovy song came on in the store. Madeleine got her groove on and danced away. It was super cute, but at some point I finally had to cut in on the dance. It was time to go.

Since she loved the mannequin so much, I suggested she give him/her/it a kiss good-bye. I thought she'd give it a peck on the leg. Nope. She wanted to give a proper smooch on the face. The only thing is, none of the mannequins at ON have a head. I'm not sure how to describe the look on her face as she gazed up at the headless mannequin.

Quick. How about a kiss for Mommy? Okay, time to go.

Later that day I picked up Matthew from school. As I turned onto our street I looked into the rear view mirror and spotted him picking his nose and sticking it in his mouth. I did what any mother would do. I told him to stop and added a very sophisticated word to punctuate my request...Yuck! Matthew replied, "you should try it sometime Mom, they're really good! They're sweet. Actually, the big ones are sweet. Not the small ones." I wasn't sure what to say. I just kept driving.


Margie in Oakland said...

I don't know what to say other than I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

This definitely got me giggling. Hee!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe I have been missing out on these blog entries. This made me bust up laughing. Love it.