Thursday, September 25, 2008


For the last 5 years I've listened to all kinds of kids music. I think I've heard it all. I even helped make some when we did the CD for the school. I actually like a lot of it and can sometimes be found listening to it when the kids aren't in the car.

In the last week or so, I've found myself longing for tunes of my own. You know, some really good driving music. I've started surfing the channels and finding some things I like, while attempting to stop on songs that seem to have decent lyrics.

Yesterday I was listening to a nice little single by Gwen Stefani, which I thought was completely innocuous, until Matthew said, "Mom, those words in the song, that's not something our family says, right?" I was just driving and not really thinking about the words, so I asked sheepishly, "What do you mean?" And then he and Madeleine both chimed into the next part, "Hey baby, hey baby, hey!" Oops!!! It didn't sound so great coming out of their little mouths. So, we changed the song.

Today we were driving to the dentist. I was trying to be careful about our song choices. And then wammo...oops, I did it again (I couldn't help myself on the Britney reference)! We're driving along and Matthew says to me, "Mommy, our family doesn't make people bleed do we?" I was really caught by surprise. I listened closer and the lyrics talked about a girl missing someone and having a bleeding heart. I explained this phrase to Matthew and changed the song again.

As we got closer to the dentist another song came on...a really fun one for everyone. I turned it up and we all sang together..."Get down. Boogie oogie oogie oogie. Get down. Boogie oogie oogie oogie!" At long last, family music! Although I did have to clarify the "get down" phrase as it relates to dancing. Madeleine was really cute too. Her version was "Get Down. Yoogie yoogie yoogie yoogie".

Marc had a similar experience with words and meanings over the weekend. He had a football game on in the background while he was working in the studio. The kids were hanging out down there with him. Marc didn't even think Matthew was listening to the game, but at one point Matthew asked, "Dad, why did those guys have to go on a time out? What did they do wrong?"

Marc didn't come out of the week unscathed by lyrical debacle either. Searching for car amusement, and lacking an in car dual DVD system, Marc decided to teach the kids the song - 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. I remember singing that when I was little. I always imagined teaching this one to them when they were around 10 or 12. I was slightly surprised when he started into the song, but Matthew quickly straightened Marc out. He said, "Dad, it's 100 bottles of juice on the wall. That's how we sing it at school, Dad!" In my head I thought..."Yeah, Dad! Let's stick to good wholesome I do."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hadron Collider

Perhaps you've already seen the coverage, but I think this new Hadron Collider is something else. Today's test run was successful...see article. In the months to come it should be interesting to see what they learn and how old hypothesis are challenged.

I also love the physics student that visited the Hadron Collider and got permission to take footage of her and her friends dancing around to a rap song she made...follow the link.

It was especially fun to see Madeleine trying to imitate the dance moves as she watched the video on youtube.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Finger Paint

It's a little messy, but really fun to use finger paints with the kids. When I first bought finger paints I was surprised at the cost. It was about $15 for all 4 primary colors and the bottles really weren't that big. I found myself becoming a little stingy with the allocation every time the kids asked for more paint for more pictures. I didn't want to use up all the paint in 1 sitting.

The preschool has lots of art supplies to choose from when it's your turn to put something together, yet no finger paint. I'd bring it myself, but it would cost a small fortune to bring enough paint for 24 kids.

So, I was really excited to find a recipe for finger paint that I could make at home. And the ingredients are simple...flour, water and food coloring. The heat makes the concoction thicken up. It's basically like colored gravy. The texture is inviting and you can determine how dark/light you want the color. Once made, it can be refrigerated and used later.

I made 3 colors in all and also cooked up spaghetti and rigatoni noodles for making designs in the paint. I brought them to the school and it was a big success. They had a blast!

Easy Finger paint


2 cups white flour
2 cups water
food coloring


Put water into a large pan over med/high heat. Slowly add the flour while stirring. Continue until thick. Then divide into smaller bowls and add food coloring. That's it!