Saturday, June 7, 2008

Amazing Products: Ped Egg Rocks

Here is another Amazing Product brought to you from The Garden.

Amazing Products have been, well, amazing people all over The Garden. We now have entries from people viewing and enjoying The Garden. This one comes from GAD (Great Aunt Diane). She went all the way to the As Seen On TV store in Hawaii to find this gem. Thankfully, you can now find it at your local Walgreens, Target, BB&B, etc...that's how amazing it really is.

In fact, a little tour of reveals amazing results from news channels around the country, as well as countless citizen journalists. The verdict is in and GAD was right...the Ped Egg Rocks!!!

I have one of my own and it's truly worth every cent of the $9.99 you pay for it. In fact, you should get one now before prices jump based on demand!

After having kids, my baby soft feet turned into a callused nuisance. A day after a pedicure, my feet were right back to snagging carpets. At one time, I might have been embarrassed to divulge these kinds of details about my feet. But, after years of grumbling, I realized that there is an epidemic of carpet snaggers. Ped Egg is capitalizing on this huge opportunity. My feet are now as soft as Madeleine's. Thank GAD!


Anonymous said...

Does it fix crack like indentations in calloused heels too? I had an amazing pedicure here in Moscow where they actually used power tools to sand off all the rough spots. I think if I went often enough I'd have baby soft feet non-stop! Now I just need to find the time to go...

Christine said...

Yes. It helps cracks. Power tools? Wow. Scary, but I bet it would do the job. You should take pics and post on your blog!

Margie in Oakland said...

Oh my GAD, that's really funny!