Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Did You Miss Me???

Chalk it up to holidays, knitting and leaving my camera in my mom's car. I've gotten behind in making a post. Plus, my friend Margaret made the BEST post ever. Check it out. I didn't think I could ever top it, but a girl's gotta keep going.

Here are some highlights from my hiatus.

Many people may have crashed parties when they were younger. Marc and I did it for the first time this weekend. Technically, Marc is not yet a Sony employee (in the works) and so we were not technically invited to the holiday party. However, we got in!!! We got all dressed up...suit and cocktail dress and walked right up to the door, looked straight into the doorman's eyes, smiled and kept walking. He never even motioned for our Sony wristband. We couldn't have crashed a better party. It was AMAZING! 25 upside down 7 ft trees in the shape of a chandelier, and a full circle of white table cloth tables with 4 bar stations underneath. This was just the beginning. We had a blast. We need to crash more parties.

A couple of weeks ago Marc got a pumpkin pie. Matthew had a piece one night after dinner and LOVED it. The next night he asked for another piece, only to find out Dad got to it first. Lesson learned. This weekend he asked to stop at the store for Pumpkin pie. He suggested we get 2. A pie for Dad and a pie for the rest of us to share!!! Matthew is so funny! Even made his Dad crack up...his mentor.

The other day, Marc and I had a debate about who's the funniest in our house. For some reason Matthew woke up at 4am that night. Marc took the opportunity to ask Matthew who is the funniest. He said "Daddy". Bummer. Marc reminded me relentlessly the next morning. Matthew continued to say Daddy was the funniest for the next several days. Finally, I said to him that I wanted to be funny sometimes too. That request alone is VERY funny! Anyhow, Matthew conceded...he now assigns days for us to be funny...but I think Matthew is the funniest (most funny...my English teacher would say).

So, we participated in the annual field trip to the fire station. Here's a picture of Matthew on the fire truck.

Here's all the kids listening to the fire fighter tell us all about life at the station. Did you know that there are big black pipes that hang down from the ceiling? What are they for??? Well, they hook them up to the trucks and the exhaust goes up and out so that the station is exhaust free.

Then GAD (Great Aunt Diane) came over to make a Christmas tree decorated with gum drops. What child wouldn't get excited about this prospect? Go GAD!

I saved the BEST for last. The day wouldn't be complete without buying a new car!


Too bad it's not mine!!! See, I AM the funniest!!! It's GAD's new car, but I want it! Just love the color. Shimmery light blue. Lot's of room inside and it's TOTALLY loaded. She said it took an hour for the guy to review the computer screen capabilities. We could even see my real car parked behind it with the rear end camera that comes up on the screen. I realized my real car needs a bath!

1 comment:

Margie in Oakland said...

I did miss you and, you are funny. Very funny. Still got your yarn.