Thursday, November 29, 2007

So Much To Say

Madeleine has been practicing single words for awhile. Now she's trying to put them all together. It's fun to hear her first sentences and word combinations.

Her 1st two word combination, and one she mastered early on, was "all done". She lengthens the "aaaaaall" and punctuates the "DONE". More recently, I was sitting in her room with her as she played with puzzles and she requested, "Mommy play (with) me".

Lately she puts together words that allow her to assert her autonomy and things she wants. She says, "I get it (eg ball, car)"... "I want it"..."I hold it"...."I cut it"..."more ______". She fills in the blank with all sorts of things "more bread"..."more playdough"...etc. I'm trying to teach her to add "please" to the end and she does sometimes..."peeeese".

She is good at identifying messes too. Whenever something spills in the kitchen or toys fall down she exclaims "mess". She'll even create a mess, just so that she can say it. Thankfully she also says "clean up" after and is more than happy to pitch in and chant "clean up" as she helps.

Matthew is learning some language skills too - in the realm of manners. He's learning quickly. For awhile he had a habit of sitting down for dinner and telling me that he didn't like what was out for him and/or I used the wrong cup/plate, followed by a melt down.

So, we had a talk about how to get what he needs in a less combative style (read between the a way that doesn't upset mommy). Now, most times, he'll come to me before I set things up and request his preference. Or, if he misses that opportunity, he will tell me that he's not happy with my cup/plate selection, but that he plans on using it anyhow. Also, at the end of dinner he'll explain to me that what I made wasn't his favorite, but he ate it, and can I please choose something different in the future for him. I wish he liked everything, but I'm pleased with his progress!

Maybe I'll serve cookies and ice-cream every night. There won't be any discussion at all and I'll probably get hugs and kisses left and right. An added bonus...the dentist will love me too!


Margie in Oakland said...

Madeleine is such a smarty pants. So is Matthew. I do believe a good dessert every night is a good thing. For grownups too.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog Christine! Thanks for sharing with us all of the "Matthewisms" and Madeleine's is so fun. It makes me feel like I am not so far away. :)