Sunday, November 2, 2008

To Infinity And Beyond!

For Halloween this year Matthew decided to dress up as Buz Lightyear and Madeleine picked out a poodle costume. She had originally wanted to be a frog, but it proved difficult to locate one in her size. She seemed equally as happy about the poodle once she saw it in the store.

She still has her birthday to fulfill her froggy dreams. She's been asking for a frog cake ever since she spotted one in a recipe book over the summer when we were looking up ideas for Matthew's birthday. She often reminds us about it. We'll see what happens come January.

Matthew has wanted to be Buz Lightyear ever since last Halloween when 2 friends at school had it. His love of the Toy Story movies has kept his dream fresh over the year. It was unfortunate when we found out that the Disney Online store was out of stock on his size. Thank you Ebay! We found one NWT (new with tags) for half the price (plus shipping) AND we won the bidding. There's a button on the wings that makes them light up. I thought it was SUPER cool on Halloween night to have the wings light up as he ran to each house.

His costume came in the mail a week before Halloween. He put it on and wouldn't take it off. I asked him to take it off when we went for a trip to the store. It's hard for his skin to breath with it on, so I thought it would be a good break. As soon as we came home he put it right back on. He even fell asleep with it on while I was reading to Madeleine. I took it off and changed him into PJ's. Next morning, he put it back on right away. His imagination was full speed as he rattled off all the things the toy Buz says when you push the buttons..."to infinity and beyond", "space ranger to the rescue", and he loved pushing the "laser button" and imitating the sound. There were lots of blast off spitting sounds too with his arms up in the air.

All in all, it was a really fun Halloween. The party and parade at the school was great. They all took an instrument and made music as they marched around the block. Older people at home during the day came out to see them and some waved from the windows. Madeleine kept up with the best of them when hitting the pinata. And trick/treating at night with the whole family was really sweet. In the past, 5 houses was enough. This year we hit nearly every house on our street. The kids loved all the decorations and music that were displayed and it was fun to chit chat with some of our neighbors.

1 comment:

Ginette said...

So which do you think is kid who didn't want her costume on at all (so sad for mama) or your kid who won't take his off? ;)

I really love the sibling love pic. Too cute.